How To Do Sendit On Snapchat: Explained!

Looking to up your Snapchat game? Check out our guide on how to do sendit on Snapchat!

how to do sendit on snapchat and how it works

If you’re looking for a fun way to stay connected with friends, Snapchat is the perfect app. But sometimes you want to keep things anonymous – that is where Sendit comes in.

Sendit is an app that lets you ask questions anonymously. So, if you’ve ever wanted to ask your friends something but didn’t want them to know it was you, now you can. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to do sendit on Snapchat. Let’s get started.

What is sendit on Snapchat?

Snapchat’s add-on app Sendit is an AR (augmented reality) game that lets users share questions and get anonymous answers from other Snap chatters. It’s a fun way to connect with friends and strangers, and it’s bound to get even more popular as people catch on.

By playing these games, you can not only test your knowledge but also have some fun. So, what is Sendit on Snapchat? Here’s everything you need to know, as we will cover more in the next topics.

Is sendit anonymous on Snapchat?

When you ask a question on Sendit, Snapchat will not show your username and other information to the questioner. So yes, Sendit is anonymous on Snapchat.

This can be good if you want to ask a sensitive question and don’t want anyone to know it was you who asked it. But it also means that people can say whatever they want on Sendit without consequences since no one knows who they are. This makes Sendit a great place to ask for advice or get answers to embarrassing questions without worrying about their identity being revealed.

How Does Sendit Work on Snapchat

If you’re looking for a way to open up more with your friends on Snapchat, you should check out Sendit. This app allows you to ask your friends fun questions and get to know them better. Plus, it’s a great way to start conversations with new people while they stay anonymous!

Here’s how sendit work on Snapchat: First, you’ll need to download the app from the App Store or Google Play and connect to your snap account. Select the type of game you want to do, sendit on Snapchat with your friends and then ask the questions you want to and publish it. Finally, you will receive a notification in your sendit account whenever your questions get answered.

How to do sendit on Snapchat

To do Sendit on Snapchat, you have to download the app. Then make the questions you want to ask and share them on Snapchat. It’s simple, pick a sendit game and start it on Snapchat. Then, invite friends, and they will answer your story, and you will get a notification from the sendit app. It’s a great way to get opinions from your friends, as your friends will be able to answer them anonymously.

Download and Install Sendit App on your phone

The Sendit App is available for Android and iOS users and is easy to install and use.

download sendit from google play store for snapchat

For Android users: Go to the Google Play Store and type in “Sendit” into the search bar. The app should be the first result that comes up. Tap “Install” and then “Accept & Download.” Once it has finished downloading, open the app.

download sendit from apple store for snapchat

For iPhone (iOS) users: Go to the App Store and type “Sendit” into the search bar. Again, the app should be the first result that comes up. Tap “Get” and then “Install.” Open the app once it has finished installing.

Open your free Sendit account.

After downloading and installing the SendIt App on your phone, you have to link to your Snapchat account.

What is SendIt Requirement?

To use the SendIt service, you must meet the following requirements:

1. You must be 17 years or older
2. You can only have one account
3. You must register the account with a valid email address is required.

How to post a sendit on Snapchat

It’s easy to post a sendit on Snapchat! Just follow these simple steps:

1. Sign in to your account, add your question on the app, and tap on Share to post it on your Snapchat story.
2. People can view your question and answer it anonymously. That’s all.

Posting questions on Snapchat using sendit is a great way to get feedback from your friends or help with something you’re struggling with. So next time you need some advice, don’t hesitate to post a sendit on Snapchat!

What are the Questions to ask on sendit?

When using Sendit on Snapchat, there are no wrong questions to ask. So, this app is for you if you’re looking for a place to ask questions without judgment. You can anonymously ask and answer questions on any topic; no holds are barred.

What are some questions people have asked on sendit? You can ask funny questions, good questions, or bad questions. Here are a few examples:

— What are your thoughts on relationships?
— What’s your biggest fear?
— Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
— What’s your favorite memory?

How to Answer Sendit Questions

When you want to respond or answer SendIt questions, tap on the upper-right envelope with the heart-shaped icon. Next, you’ll show the answers in the form of an envelope. If you want to answer the question, you need to tab it and open it.

Now, after you open it, you will see a button called “Answer,” When you tap on it, the sendit app will redirect you to the Snapchat camera page, where you will type your answer and capture or screenshot the page to post on your story.

How to do sendit on Snapchat FAQs

Can people see who sent a sendit?

People won’t see who sent a sendit. When you send a message through sendit, your identity is not revealed to the recipient. This anonymity is one of the app’s key features that many users find appealing.

While your name does not appear in the messages you send, remember that the sendit company knows your identity. You can be traced and held accountable if you send an inappropriate message or engage in illegal activity. The app’s anonymity is one of its strengths, but it’s important to use it responsibly.

Does sendit cost money?

The short answer is no; Sendit is a free app that offers end-to-end encryption for all users. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices. It offers a unique feature set that includes the ability to ask anonymous questions on Snapchat without knowing who is behind it.


In conclusion, here are the final words on how to do sendit on Snapchat. Using sendit on Snapchat can be fun to stay anonymous while you ask questions. This app is a great way to stay connected with friends and family while also getting some entertainment. It’s essential to remember that sendit is not 100% anonymous and should not be used for sensitive information. So go ahead and try it out today!

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